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FLUKE 5430 Standard AC/ DC Resistors

FLUKE 5430 Standard AC/ DC Resistors
Kategori FLUKE
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081294124885 / 085104387311
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s_4644441_5430Six resistors in Fluke Calibration’ s Model 5430 series cover resistance values from 1 ohm to 10, 000 ohms. Each one has an actual resistance within 10 ppm of its nominal value and holds its resistance within 2 ppm per year.

Each resistor comes with a Tinsley certificate on AC performance, traceable to NPL, including calibration uncertainty of 3 ppm. Additionally, Fluke Calibration can provide an optional DC certificate, traceable to NIST and NVLAP accredited, with uncertainty below 1 ppm.

Designed originally by a national lab, Tinsley resistors are bifilar wound to minimize reactance and are filled with oil to minimize both time- and temperature-caused instabilities. AC/ DC transfer error at 90 Hz is only 0.1 ppm.

For maintaining your oil resistors, Fluke Calibration provides baths that range from 25- to 155-liter capacity with enough inside shelf space to maintain all your standard resistors. Each of these baths maintains your resistors within 1 mK in the short term ( 30– 60 minutes) and within 5 mK for months at a time.

In our lab, we use both AC and DC bridges in addition to Super-Thermometers. We calibrate SPRTs in fixed points, and we calibrate reference resistors. We use standard resistors every day, and we understand the value of being able to rely on resistors that won’ t drift. Tinsley makes the best AC/ DC resistors around, and Fluke Calibration makes the best maintenance baths. Ask people who know. Then don’ t compromise.

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