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081294124885 / 085104387311
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FLUKE Mini Fixed-Point Cells

FLUKE Mini Fixed-Point Cells
Kategori FLUKE
Di lihat 858 kali
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081294124885 / 085104387311
08 sampai 17.00

4644394_fc5900Mini cells eliminate the need for comparison calibrations. Temperatures of fixed-point cells are constant and intrinsic, so only the electrical parameters of the sensor under calibration need to be read. If you’ re calibrating industrial thermometers, thermocouples, or thermistors and want the most accurate calibration possible, these mini cells will give it to you. If you need a wide range of temperatures, mini cells cover the triple point of water ( 0.01 ° C) and every ITS-90 point from indium ( 156.5985 ° C) to copper ( 1084.62 ° C) .

The realization and maintenance of indium, tin, zinc, and aluminum cells are likewise automated through our 9260 Mini Fixed-Point Cell Furnace. Work with them at their designated freeze point, or use them at their melting point to simplify the calibration process even further. We published a paper, “ The Comparison Between the Freezing Point and Melting Point of Tin, ” to help you understand and benefit from the easier procedure of using the melting point of your standard.

In addition to high-accuracy calibrations of RTDs and PRTs, these cells are perfect for validating the accuracy of SPRTs. If you’ re doing comparison calibrations with SPRTs, then you know the importance of occasionally checking their accuracy between their own recalibrations. Because these cells are easy to use and maintain, verification checks are simple and convenient.

Metal-cased cells

Metal-cased cells can also be used in the 9260 maintenance furnace. Because they use stainless steel cases, these cells are easier to use and transport without risk of breakage. You’ ll notice that we have designed the metal cased cells with more immersion depth to give even better uncertainty too!

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