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agen jakarta FLUKE 734A Reference & Transfer Standards

agen jakarta FLUKE 734A Reference & Transfer Standards
Kategori FLUKE
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081294124885 / 085104387311
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4643641_fc734aThe 732B is a direct voltage standard with 10V and 1.018V outputs. The 734A is a direct voltage reference standard that consists of four 732Bs that are mechanically and electrically isolated, housed in a rack-mountable enclosure.


The 734A is the only standard of its type offering complete mechanical and electrical independence of each of its four standards.

Small, portable, and rugged

Each standard is small, light and rugged, ideal for shipment. The long 72-hour battery life allows the 732B to be shipped over long distances under power. An optional external battery and charger extends battery life still further, to more than 130 hours.

The 732B can stand up to a lot of abuse. The inputs can be shorted indefinitely and are protected up to 1100V dc, 25 mA, without damaging the cell or affecting its output.


The 732B is based on the proven technology of the 732A, the first standards lab quality electronic reference to gain acceptance as a replacement for saturated standard cells. Originally designed for internal transfers of the Fluke Calibration corporate volt to the production floor, thousands are now in service world-wide in a variety of applications — from maintaining an institutional reference to transferring values from national labs or privately-operated 10V Josephson Arrays.


Stability for each output is ± 2 ppm per year ( 10V) and ± 0.8 ppm per month ( 1.018V) . Each 10V output can drive up to 12 mA of current to simplify use with instrumentation – like the 5700A – with low output impedance.

With the 734A, it is remarkably easy to establish a fractional part-per-million voltage reference in your laboratory. Over time, with frequent intercomparisons of the four cells, and regular calibrations of one or more cells, you can reduce the uncertainty of your 734A by a factor of 3 or more.

Support for artifact calibration

Combined with the 742A-1 and 742A-10k Resistance Standards, a single 732B makes a tough and compact artifact calibration support package for instruments like the 5700A/ 5720A Calibrators from Fluke Calibration or the 3458A Multimeter from Hewlett-Packard.

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