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081294124885 / 085104387311
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JUAL BestScope BUC4B-140(285) High Sensitive USB2.0 Digital Microscope CCD Camera

JUAL BestScope BUC4B-140(285) High Sensitive USB2.0 Digital Microscope CCD Camera
Kategori BestScope, Microscop
Di lihat 1633 kali
Harga Rp (hubungi cs)
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081294124885 / 085104387311
08 sampai 17.00



BUC4B series digital cameras are CCD cameras. Real scientific CCD sensors are adopted, images and videos can be captured with high sensitivity and low image noise. All the BUC4B CCD cameras adopt frame buffer technology, so the speed is much faster than common CCD cameras. With USB2.0 interface, C-mount, BUC4B series CCD cameras can be used for high precision image analysis of low light, bright field, dark field, fluorescence in life science and industrial applications. Microscope adaptor and connecting rings can be chosen to connect the digital cameras to any microscopes.

BestScope BUC5-130BM,agen Indonesia

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Nama BarangBestScope BUC5-130BM,agen Indonesia
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BestScope BUC5-130BC,agen murah

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Nama BarangBestScope BUC5-130BC,agen murah
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BestScope BUC5-130M,agen indonesia

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Nama BarangBestScope BUC5-130M,agen indonesia
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BestScope BUC5-130C,agen indonesia

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Nama BarangBestScope BUC5-130C,agen indonesia
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BestScope BUC4B-140M(285),agen indo

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Nama BarangBestScope BUC4B-140M(285),agen indonesia
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JUAL BestScope BUC4B-200M,USB2.0 Mo

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Nama BarangJUAL BestScope BUC4B-200M,USB2.0 Mono Digital Microscope CCD Camera
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JUAL BestScope BUC4B-200C,USB2.0 Di

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Nama BarangJUAL BestScope BUC4B-200C,USB2.0 Digital Microscope CCD Camera
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JUAL BestScope BUC4B-140M,USB2.0 Di

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Nama BarangJUAL BestScope BUC4B-140M,USB2.0 Digital Microscope CCD Camera
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