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081294124885 / 085104387311
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BROOKFIELD Materials testing machine: tensile, compression, torsion

BROOKFIELD Materials testing machine: tensile, compression, torsion
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081294124885 / 085104387311
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4646123_materials-testing-machines-tensile-compression-torsion-20805-5943661The TA-GPJ General Peeling Jig was developed to measure the force required to peel the lid off a sealed container. A strong adhesive bond is critical to preventing contamination and spoilage, but ease and consistency when opening is equally important to consumers. Manufacturers understand that finding the right lid strength is one more factor that contributes to customer satisfaction and loyalty.

The General Peeling Jig can be adjusted to remove the
lid at 0° , 45° or 90° . The TA-GPJ is used to measure the lid strength for a growing number of applications including: foods & beverages, dairy products, pharmaceuticals and more.
The Brookfield CT3 Tester is the best value in a stand- alone instrument for physical testing. It combines simplicity of operation with expanded test method capability and operates in both compression and tension modes.

TexturePro CT software enables the operator to automate test procedures and generate valuable analytical data.

BROOKFIELD Circulating water bath T

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Nama BarangBROOKFIELD Circulating water bath TC-250 Water Bath
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BROOKFIELD Circulating water bath T

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Nama BarangBROOKFIELD Circulating water bath TC-150 Water Bath
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BROOKFIELD Rotational rheometer R/

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Nama BarangBROOKFIELD Rotational rheometer R/ S
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BROOKFIELD Rotational rheometer YR-

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Nama BarangBROOKFIELD Rotational rheometer YR-1
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BROOKFIELD Capillary viscometer 500

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Nama BarangBROOKFIELD Capillary viscometer 500 mPas | KV100
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BROOKFIELD Powder rheometer PFT

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Nama BarangBROOKFIELD Powder rheometer PFT
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BROOKFIELD Rheometer DV3T Rheometer

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Nama BarangBROOKFIELD Rheometer DV3T Rheometer
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BROOKFIELD In line viscosity contro

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Nama BarangBROOKFIELD In line viscosity control system
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