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081294124885 / 085104387311
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Delta OHM Tiping Bucket Rain Gauge HD 2013

Delta OHM Tiping Bucket Rain Gauge HD 2013
Kategori Rain Gauge
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081294124885 / 085104387311
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Delta OHM Tiping Bucket Rain Gauge HD 2013

HD2013R HD2013
Power 12Vdc or 24Vdc ± 10% / 35W —
Type of output contact NC contact ( opens during commutation)
Resolution 0.1 – 0.2 or 0.5 mm/ commutation
( on request at the time of placing the order)
Precision ± 2% between 20÷ 300 mm/ h
Operating temperature
range -20° C … + 60° C + 4° C … + 60° C
Heater intervention
temperature + 4° C —
Protection degree IP67
Collector area 400 cm2

HD2013-D is a datalogger that has been specifi cally developed to capture and
memorize weather and atmospheric precipitation trends. Together with the capacious memory, its long life Lithium battery guarantees remarkable recording capacity without it being necessary for the user to intervene. The large display not only provides the total and partial precipitations in real time, in both millimetres and inches, but also the environment temperature. It is supplied with DeltaLog6 dedicated software, using which all the instrument’ s parameters can be set. It is connected to the PC through an RS232C serial port using the cable supplied.
HD2013-D can be connected to the most popular types of rain gauges using NC or NO output contact.
For software installation and running, please refer to the documentation on the instrument’ s accompanying CD-ROM.

Technical characteristics
Power Replaceable 3.6V type ½ AA Lithium battery
Type of event recorded
NC or NO contact that the program is able to select.
Ambient temperature at a fixed interval of 15’ .
An alarm is generated ( it can be disabled) if the contact
remains in an unstable condition for more than 3 seconds.
Resolution From 0.050 to 1.599mm/ sample
Storage capacity
93000 samples ( equal to 18600mm of rain with a resolution of 0.2mm/ sample) 2 years of temperature with a fixed interval of 15’
PC interface Insulated RS232C serial port – 9600 baud
Partial rain in millimetres or inches
Total rain in millimetres or inches
Environment temperature ° C/ ° F
Operating temperature range -20° C … + 60° C
Protection degree IP67
Software supplied DeltaLog6

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081294124885 / 085104387311

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