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Fluke 125 Industrial ScopeMeter®

Fluke 125 Industrial ScopeMeter®
Kategori FLUKE
Di lihat 1061 kali
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081294124885 / 085104387311
08 sampai 17.00

4638697_f1254638697_f125The compact ScopeMeter 120 Series is the rugged solution for industrial troubleshooting and installation applications. Based on the Fluke 120 series, the 125 has all the capabilities of the 124 ScopeMeter extended with the capability to measure and analyze the signal quality on the common industrial buses.

The Fluke 125 is based on the Fluke 124 and includes all the functions and capabilities of that instrument. On top, a Bus Health Test mode allows for an analysis of the signal quality on industrial buses and networks, comparing measured signals to the standards’ signal requirements.

Bus Health mode gives a clear “ Good / “ Weak / “ Bad indication for the electrical signals on industrial buses and networks, such as CAN-bus, Profi-bus, RS-232 and many more. The Fluke 125 validates the quality of the electrical signals as soon as any electrical signals are passed along the network. It checks the signal levels and speed, transition times and distortion, and compares these to the appropriate standards to help you find errors like improper cable connections and terminators. It helps you find the source of error in case communication comes to a halt. All the commonly found industrial network types are supported!

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