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agen jakarta murah FLUKE 52120A Transconductance Amplifier

agen jakarta murah FLUKE 52120A Transconductance Amplifier
Kategori FLUKE
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081294124885 / 085104387311
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4638793_fc52120a.jpgThe Fluke Calibration 52120A Transconductance Amplifier supplies dc current up to 100 amps and ac current up to 120 amps, at accuracies to 140 ppm. Using accessory coils, it can generate 3, 000 or 6, 000 amps. Three 52120As connected in parallel can output up to 360 amps. Inductive drive capability of 1 mH and compliance voltage of 4.5 volts support a wide range of applications.

52120A performance at a glance

Industry-leading amplifier accuracy:
140 ppm ac ( used with 61XXA Electrical Power Standard)
350 ppm ac ( used with dc/ lf calibrator
160 ppm dc ( used with dc/ lf calibrator
Frequency: DC to 10 kHz
Burden voltage ( compliance) : 4.5 V @ 120 A
Inductive drive capability: 1 mH load
Output ranges: 2 A, 20 A, 120 A
Input ranges: 2 V or 200 mA F.S. for 2 A and 20 A ranges, 1.2 V or 120 mA F.S. for 120 A range
Parallel operation: Closed loop with 61XXX, 2 or 3 amplifiers, up to 360 A in a single phase
Parallel operation: Standalone operation, up to 10 amplifiers, up to 1200 A in a single phase
Accessory coils: 25-turn coil supports 3000 A, 50-turn coil supports 6000 A
Control communication with 6105A/ 6100B Electrical Power Standards
GPIB remote operation

The 52120A is designed for users whose ability to address their calibration workload may be limited by the output current, accuracy and drive capability of their present test equipment, including:

Calibration professionals in a calibration/ standards lab or an electrical utility
Manufacturers of power/ energy instrumentation and meters, power quality analyzers or power converters
Users of electrical test and measurement equipment

The 52120A operates as a transconductance amplifier with:

5500A/ 5520A/ 5522A Multi-Product Calibrator
5700A/ 5720A Multifunction Calibrator
5080A Multi-Product Calibrator
9100 Universal Calibration System
Any calibrator, signal generator or power supply capable of sourcing 2 V or 200 mA, dc or ac

You may also operate your 52120A in closed-loop mode, seamlessly communicating with your Fluke Calibration 6105A or 6100B Electrical Power Standard to deliver enhanced 52120A accuracy.

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