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FLUKE 585 Burden Tester

FLUKE 585 Burden Tester
Kategori FLUKE
Di lihat 957 kali
Harga Rp (hubungi cs)
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081294124885 / 085104387311
08 sampai 17.00

4644674_585The 585 Burden Tester design features a digital LED meter for displaying the current transformer ( CT) secondary current. The burden is applied for a specific length of time controlled by circuitry inside the unit to help prevent the burnout of the burden elements.

Automatic System Continuity Check is a safety feature which allows the testing of the burden tester to assure that the CT secondary loop path inside the burden tester is continuous. Each time burden is applied, the unit will self-check the system continuity. The displays will annunciate a problem

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