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agen murah FLUKE 742A Resistance Standards

agen murah FLUKE 742A Resistance Standards
Kategori FLUKE
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081294124885 / 085104387311
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4643637_fc742a742A Resistance Standards are high accuracy working standards for precision, on-site resistance calibration. Their excellent temperature stability allows them to be used from 18° C to 28° C with typically less than 2 ppm degradation. Using the calibration table supplied with the standards, which lists corrections in 0.5° C increments, this uncertainty can be reduced to near zero. No cumbersome oil or air baths are required.

Because 742A Resistance Standards are small and rugged, they are easy to transport. Care has been taken to reduce resistance changes brought about by thermal and mechanical shock. Retrace ( permanent shift in resistance) is typically less than 2 ppm after cycling between 0° C and 40° C.

The 742A-1 1 © and the 742A-10k 10 k© units are ideally suited for Artifact Calibration of 5700A/ 5720A Calibrators. The other values can be used to verify the calibration if you desire.

Small and rugged resistance calibrators
No oil or air baths required
18° to 28° C operating range
Six-month stability to 2.5 ppm
Supplied with temperature characterization

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