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agen indonesia FLUKE 752A Reference Divider

agen indonesia FLUKE 752A Reference Divider
Kategori FLUKE
Di lihat 1525 kali
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081294124885 / 085104387311
08 sampai 17.00

4643639_752aThe 752A reference dividers are precision 10: 1 and 100: 1 dividers designed primarily for comparing direct voltage levels of various sources to a 10V voltage reference standard like a 732B.

Internal switching allows calibration of the 100 mV, 1V, 10V, 100V and 1000V ranges of a voltage calibrator with a 10V standard like the 732B without the need to change connections.

A self-calibration procedure allows you to compensate for long-term changes in value of the divider resistors by switching their positions in various Wheatstone bridge configurations.

10: 1 and 100: 1 divider outputs
Output uncertainty 0.2 ppm and 0.5 ppm
Built-in calibration bridge
Dynamic Resistor Matching™
System switching for ease of use
Operating modes

Operating modes

In the stand-alone divider mode, input to the divider is applied to the INPUT terminals and is switched by the MODE switch to either the 10: 1 or the 100: 1 position. Output from the divider is then available at the OUTPUT terminals.

When the 752A reference dividers are augmented with a 10V reference source and a null detector, the resulting system becomes a 5-decade cardinal point voltage calibrator with facilities for comparing input voltages of 1000V, 100V, 10V, 1V and 0.1V to the 10V reference. In this mode, the voltage source to be calibrated is connected to the 752A input terminals and the MODE switch reconfigures the system for each of the ranges with no manual lead changing necessary.

When the MODE switch is turned to the 752 CAL position, the 752A divider resistors are switched to form a bridge circuit with the two additional calibration resistors. Bridge excitation is supplied from the voltage source ( set for an output of 20V) connected to the input terminals and the null detector is switched across the bridge to measure bridge balance

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