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agen indonesia FLUKE 910/ 910R GPS Controlled Frequency Standards

agen indonesia FLUKE 910/ 910R GPS Controlled Frequency Standards
Kategori FLUKE
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081294124885 / 085104387311
08 sampai 17.00

4643645_910The 910 and 910R GPS frequency references are fully traceable and extremely accurate gps frequency standards and are ideally suited for use in many applications, including telecommunications, calibration and automatic test systems.

Both the 910 and 910R deliver a precision frequency and pulse-per-second time reference which, with its many connectivity options, can be installed, monitored and managed from virtually any location. Both models receive their long-term frequency stability from the built-in cesium standards in the GPS-satellite array, yet can also provide a very high short-term stability from the built-in oven controlled crystal oscillator ( OCXO) or rubidium oscillator ( Rb) .

Unique traceability feature means no more re-calibrations
Two high-stability models to meet your application, and fit your budget
Up to 13 outputs, maximizing cost efficiency
Central or remote monitoring, management and data collection, using the 910/ 910R Ethernet-port
Two high-stability operating modes to suit your application
Designed for portability too
GPSView Software

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