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081294124885 / 085104387311
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Global Water WL500 WATER LEVEL SOUNDER 50ft/ 15meter

Global Water WL500 WATER LEVEL SOUNDER 50ft/ 15meter
Kategori Water Level
Di lihat 1708 kali
Harga Rp (hubungi cs)
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081294124885 / 085104387311
08 sampai 17.00


Precision measurement, simplicity, and durability
Detect water levels and well bottoms with high precision
Trouble-free operation in wells with falling water and heavy oil slicks, even if well is not cased
Polycarbonate sturdy reel
Durable polyester powder-coated steel frame
Corrosion-resistant stainless steel fittings
Large, ergonomic brake and soft grip vinyl winding handle
Water and dust-proof encapsulated electronics
Strong and accurate NTS certified tape with stainless conductors
Full depth stainless steel and Teflon probe
Long lasting flexible link between the tape and probe
Tape marked in 1 foot and 0.01 foot intervals
Audio alert beeper and LED indicate contact with the water
Water Well Level Sounder Specifications
Tape Graduation: 1 ft and 0.01 ft intervals or 1m and 1mm intervals
Tape Material: Polyethylene
Probe Diameter: 5/ 8 ” ( 16mm)
Signal: Audible buzzer and light
Battery: 9 V battery
Shipping Weight: 300 ft ( 100m) tape: 9 lbs ( 4 kg)
Shipping Size: 12×14.5×8.5 inches ( 31 x 37 x 22 cm)

agen indonesia Water Level Logger ,

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