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jual alat ukur murah Global Water WQ770-b Turbidity Meter

jual alat ukur murah Global Water WQ770-b Turbidity Meter
Kategori Turbidity Meter
Di lihat 1745 kali
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081294124885 / 085104387311
08 sampai 17.00

Global Water WQ770-b Turbidity Meter

The Global Turbidity Meter is a highly accurate device with a fully submersible sensor for in-situ environmental or process monitoring. The meter is provided with a padded carrying case and 25’ of marine grade cable, with lengths up to 100’ available upon request.
In accordance with USEPA Method 180.1 for turbidity measurement the sensor is a 90 degree scatter nephelometer where a focused beam is directed into the monitored water. The light beam reflects off particles in the water, and the resultant light intensity is measured by a photodetector positioned at 90 degrees to the light beam. The detected light intensity is directly proportional to the turbidity of the water. The WQ770 sensor utilizes a second light detector to correct for light intensity variations, color changes, and minor lens fouling.
All turbidity meters are factory calibrated to the highest standards and should not need recalibration for 6-12 months. User calibration, when required, is very easy using the step-by-step scaling process within the display unit.

Range: 0-50 NTU and 0-1000 NTU Accuracy: + 1 % of full scale
Resolution: 12 bit Method: Nephelometer with correction
Power: Internal 9VDC battery Warm-up Time: 3 seconds minimum Operating Temperature: 32 to 122° F ( 0 to + 50° C) Materials: 306 sainless steel, delrin, Sapphire optical windows, Polyurethane jacketed cable. Pressure: 30 psi max.
Light Source: pulsed LED ( 880nm) Cable Length: Meter= 25′ standard ( optional to 100′ ) Sensor Size: Body= 1 1/ 2 ” D x 8.5 ” L Sensor Shield= 1 1/ 2 ” x 2 ” Overall Length: 9 ” Weight: 2 lbs.

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