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jual alat ukur medis HACH 2100Q Portable Turbidimeter

jual alat ukur medis HACH 2100Q Portable Turbidimeter
Kategori Turbidity Meter
Di lihat 2083 kali
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081294124885 / 085104387311
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HACH 2100Q

The Hach 2100Q and 2100Q IS Portable Turbidimeters offer unsurpassed ease of use and accuracy in turbidity measurement. Only Hach offers this unique combination of advanced features, such as assisted calibration and simplified data transfer, and measurement innovation, giving you accurate results every time.
Easy Calibration and Verification

Be confident your measurements are right every time with on-screen assisted calibration and verification. You save time and get accurate results with an easy-to-follow interface that eliminates the need to reference complicated manuals in order to perform routine calibrations. Single-standard RapidCal™ calibration offers a simplified solution for low level measurements.
Simple Data Transfer

Data transfer with the 2100Q is simple, flexible, and doesn’ t require additional software. This feature requires the USB + Power module. All data can be transferred to the module and easily downloaded to your computer with a USB connection, providing superior data integrity and availability. With two different module options, you can customize connectivity and power to meet your specific needs.
Accuracy for Rapidly Settling Samples

The Hach 2100Q Portable Turbidimeter incorporates an innovative Rapidly Settling Turbidity™ ( RST) mode to provide accurate, repeatable measurements for difficult to measure, rapidly settling samples. An exclusive algorithm that calculates turbidity based on a series of automatic readings eliminates redundant measurements and estimating.
Convenient Data Logging

Up to 500 measurements are automatically stored in the instrument for easy access and backup. Stored information includes: date and time, operator ID, reading mode, sample ID, sample number, units, calibration time, calibration status, error messages and the result.
Two Models for Specific Requirements

2100Q Turbidimeter – Compliant with USEPA Method 180.1 design criteria.
2100Q IS Turbidimeter – Compliant with ISO 70727 design criteria.

Features: 2100Q compared to the 2100P Portable Turbidimeter
Feature 2100P 2100Q
On-screen, assisted operation •
Verify calibration function •
RapidCal single standard calibration •
Rapidly Settling Turbidity mode •
Data log •
Data transfer without special software •
Two-detector optical system • •
Range: 0-1000 NTU • •
Resolution: 0.01 on lowest range • •

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