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081294124885 / 085104387311
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HANNA HI 2314-01

HANNA HI 2314-01
Kategori HANNA
Di lihat 940 kali
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081294124885 / 085104387311
08 sampai 17.00

4986886_4491149_hi2314v2-200The Hanna Instruments HI 2314 Conductivity Meter with Manual Temperature Compensation ( MTC) provides a simple to use, cost effective method of measuring Conductivity.

The HI 2314 utilizes a four ring potentiometric probe with a platinum sensor that offers wider measurement ranges and increased accuracy over amperometric designs.

A potentiometric probe works on the principal of induction which eliminates the effects of polarization ( a common problem of amperometric systems) . Two outer rings apply an alternating voltage and induce a current loop in the solution while two inner rings measure the voltage drop induced by the current loop ( which is dependent on the conductivity of the solution) . By utilizing the 4-ring method, it is possible to measure from very low to very high conductivity levels ( up to 200 mS/ cm) without changing probes.


* Four ring potentiometric platinum probe
* Four measurement ranges
* ± 1% F.S. Accuracy
* Manual Calibration
* Manual Temperature Compensation ( MTC)
* Large LCD
* Built-in Solution Holders


Four Ring Probe – A four ring potentiometric probe using 1 probe for 4 ranges. ( The ranges are: 0.0 to 199.9 ? s/ cm; 0 to 1999 ? s/ cm; 0.00 to 19.99 ms/ cm; 0.0 to 199.9 ms/ cm) . The probe prevents a polarization effect.

Manual Calibration – This simple to use feature can be calibrated to any value within the measurement ranges and is less expensive than models with auto-calibration.

Manual Temperature Compensation ( MTC) – MTC provides the ability to demonstrate the effect of temperature on EC measurement. It is simple to use and allows for different temperature corrections based on the sample being tested.

Large LCD – The new, larger LCD is bright and easy to read.

Built-in Solution Holders – The HI 2315 has solution holders built into the casing. This convenient feature saves space and prevents solutions from tipping over.

Recessed Connector Bay – Protects connectors from liquids.


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HANNA HI 96711

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HANNA HI 96710

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