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081294124885 / 085104387311
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HANNA HI 504112-1

HANNA HI 504112-1
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081294124885 / 085104387311
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s_4988792_4493214_img_hi504xHI 504 introduces an innovative means of pH and ORP control which enhances the entire line of process controllers engineered by Hanna instruments® . Hanna’ s 25 years of experience producing industrial controllers has enabled them to develop this series of high-performance instruments with our new tele-control technology. This technology supplies the means to control, from any distance and in real time, one or more installations, allowing the user to optimize operations such as maintenance cycles.

RS485 and Windows® compatible software provides for two-way communication where the user can control the complete regulation process from the convenience of a PC or through his cellular phone with SMS. A battery of self-diagnostic and troubleshooting functions, such as our innovative ” sensor check ” feature, guarantees reliability. Any type of industrial probe with a BNC connector can be utilized with this controller which adds flexibility to your specific application and saves time during changeout.

Hanna instruments® exclusive fail-safe alarm system protects against problems caused by power supply failure or signal interruption, which are typical risks in industrial environments. The system acts on both hardware and software levels. The regulating action of the controller can be held for programmable time periods with our Programmable Hold System. Hold periods can be activated to correspond to operations such as plant maintenance, cleaning procedures and instrument calibration. The last 100 events can be recalled at anytime; errors, calibrations performed, set parameter changes and cleaning cycles, are all possible with HI 504. Every code shown on the display corresponds to a certain type of event, error or operation. Errors that are still active are indicated by a flashing code, while operations and alarms recorded or already concluded appear with a fixed code on the display. Each analog output can be connected to a recorder for the cataloguing of process data ( pH/ mV and temperature) , or can be used for controlling dosing systems ( pumps or electro-valves) using PID control.

HI 504 Process Controller Series complies with the production standards required by the Underwriters Laboratories ( UL) , one of the most important international authorities for device safety, and has obtained the following UL certification: US Listed Process Control Equipment 42BA.

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