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081294124885 / 085104387311
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HANNA HI 84181-01

HANNA HI 84181-01
Kategori HANNA
Di lihat 792 kali
Harga Rp (hubungi cs)
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081294124885 / 085104387311
08 sampai 17.00

s_4996489_4504023_hi84181_200The HI 84181 is a low cost, easy to use, potassium ISE meter that performs automatic analysis using an ISE electrode.

The instrument comes with a powerful built-in algorithm to analyze the shape of the ISE electrode response and to determine the reaction completion. The method used is the double standard addition which is a simple and rapid method of analysis.

By simply pressing the start key, the instrument guides the user and performs an automatic analysis with all the necessary calculations and verifications. The result is immediately displayed in g/ L K+ ( ppt) , after which the HI 84181 is ready for another measurement.

Significance of Use

Potassium ions ( K+ ) are absorbed by the vine from soil. Unlike other essential nutrients potassium remains in ionic form and passes to the grapes. Potassium ions are by far the most important ions that can be found in wine with concentrations between 0.7-2 g/ L ( ppt) and is mostly deriving from grapes. Potassium ions greatly influence the taste of wine. With its absence wine will have a sour taste.

The alcohol content and low temperatures can cause potassium to precipitate as potassium bitartrate. Red wines have an increased content of potassium compared to white wines because the phenols found in red wine inhibit the precipitation of potassium bitartrate.

Order Information:
HI 84181-01 ( 115V) and HI 84181-01 ( 230V) are supplied with a reagent set for 20 tests, 2000 µ L automatic pipette, plastic tips for 2000 µ L automatic pipette ( 6) , 50 mL beakers ( 2) , HI 61014 Potassium half cell, HI 5315 Reference half cell, HI 7662-T temperature probe, Stir bars ( 2) , HI 7076 refilling solution, 30 mL ( 4) , 1 mL syringe, 1 mL pipette, instruction sheet, power cable and instruction manual.


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JUAL HANNA HI 98290-01

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Nama BarangJUAL HANNA HI 98290-01
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HANNA HI 96714

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Nama BarangHANNA HI 96714
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HANNA HI 96713

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HANNA HI 96711

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HANNA HI 96710

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HANNA HI 96709

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Nama BarangHANNA HI 96709
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Nama BarangHANNA HI 3821
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