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081294124885 / 085104387311
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Kategori HANNA
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081294124885 / 085104387311
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4997732_4504258_hi-9063cWaterproof, Heavy-Duty K-Type Thermocouple Thermometer

Ideal for humid and/ or dusty environments
High accuracy
Advanced memory functions

Instrumentation used in the field or industry is subjected to environmental extremes. Due to this problem, HANNA instruments® has developed the HI 9063 to satisfy all of your heavy duty application needs. This upgraded version of HI 9063 benefits from HANNA Instruments® extensive experience in producing instruments that surpass your requirements. The measurement ceiling has been raised, auto-ranging added and accuracy enhanced. Because it is often necessary to know the highest and lowest temperatures measured during a certain process, HANNA instruments® has incorporated a dual-level LCD that shows the current, minimum and maximum achieved temperatures. Temperature readings are linearized for increased accuracy and resolution is automatically switched from 0.1° to 1° at 200° C ( 400° F) and above.

HI 9063 is supplied complete with batteries, protective case and instructions. HI 9063C is supplied complete with HI 766HD probe handle, HI 766PE1, HI 766PB, HI 766PD probes, batteries, rugged carrying case and instructions.


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Nama BarangJUAL HANNA HI 8424
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JUAL HANNA HI 98290-01

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Nama BarangJUAL HANNA HI 98290-01
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HANNA HI 96714

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Nama BarangHANNA HI 96714
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HANNA HI 96713

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Nama BarangHANNA HI 96713
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HANNA HI 96711

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Nama BarangHANNA HI 96711
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HANNA HI 96710

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Nama BarangHANNA HI 96710
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HANNA HI 96709

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Nama BarangHANNA HI 96709
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Nama BarangHANNA HI 3821
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