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081294124885 / 085104387311
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HANNA HI 96785

HANNA HI 96785
Kategori HANNA
Di lihat 811 kali
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081294124885 / 085104387311
08 sampai 17.00

s_5001808_4514781_hi96785_200The HI 96785 portable microprocessor analyzer measures the percent light transmittance of honey compared to analytical reagent grade glycerol. The transmittance value allows identification of the honey Pfund grade. The instrument directly displays the measurement result expressed in mm Pfund.

Measurements are made using matched square optical cuvettes having a 10 mm light path.

Why this instrument is so important

The natural color of honey presents many tonalities: from straw yellow to amber, from dark amber to almost black with a hint of red. The color of untreated honey originates from the botanical varieties used by the bees: for this reason, its coloration allows one to commercially identify the original floral type.

In addition, the color of honey tends to darken with age or change according to the method of conservation or production used by beekeepers, ( for example: the use of old beehives, contact with metals, the temperature of conservation, exposure to light, etc.) . The classes of color are expressed in millimeters ( mm) on the Pfund scale, compared to an analytical standard scale of reference on the graduation of glycerin.

Order Information:
HI 96785 is supplied with sample cuvettes ( 5) , 9V battery, light shield cap, 30 mL bottle of glycerol, instruction manual.


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Nama BarangJUAL HANNA HI 8424
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JUAL HANNA HI 98290-01

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Nama BarangJUAL HANNA HI 98290-01
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HANNA HI 96714

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HANNA HI 96713

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HANNA HI 96711

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HANNA HI 96710

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HANNA HI 96709

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Nama BarangHANNA HI 3821
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