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081294124885 / 085104387311
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HANNA HI 96814

HANNA HI 96814
Kategori HANNA
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081294124885 / 085104387311
08 sampai 17.00

s_5001939_4514811_imghi_96814_medThe HI 96814 Digital Wine Refractometer is rugged, lightweight and waterproof for measurements in the lab or field.

This optical instrument employs the measurement of the refractive index to determine parameters pertinent to the wine industry.

The actual measurement of the refractive index is simple and quick and provides the vintner a standard accepted method for sugar content analysis. Samples are measured after a simple user calibration with deionized or distilled water. Within seconds, the instrument measures the refractive index of the grape must. These digital refractometers eliminate the uncertainty associated with mechanical refractometers and are ideal for fast, reliable measurements in the field.

In addition to % Brix, HI 96814 includes two other scales used in the wine industry: ° Oechsle and ° KMW.

° Oechsle ( ° Oe) is mainly used in the German, Swiss and Luxenburgish winemaking industry to measure the sugar content of must. The ° Oe scale is based on specific gravity at 20° C ( SG20/ 20) and is the first 3 digits following the decimal point. 1 ° Oe is roughly equal to 0.2 % Brix.

° Oe = [ ( SG20/ 20) – 1] x 1000

° Klosterneuburger Mostwaage ( ° KMW) is used in Austria to measure the sugar content of must.

° KMW is related to ° Oe by the following equation: ° Oe = ° KMW x [ ( 0.022 x ° KMW) + 4.54]

1 ° KMW is roughly equivalent to 1 % Brix or 5 ° Oe. ° KMW is also known as ° Babo.

“ Potential” or “ probable” alcohol is an estimation of the alcohol content ( % vol/ vol) in finished wine based on the conversion between sugar and alcohol. This conversion depends on many factors such as the type of grapes, the grape maturity, the growing region and yeast fermentation efficiency and temperature.

Order Information:
HI 96814 is supplied with battery and instruction manual.


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HANNA HI 96714

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HANNA HI 96713

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HANNA HI 96711

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HANNA HI 96710

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HANNA HI 96709

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