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081294124885 / 085104387311
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HANNA HI 9828080-01

HANNA HI 9828080-01
Kategori HANNA
Di lihat 832 kali
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081294124885 / 085104387311
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5003188_4516878_hanna-instruments-hi-9828401-bpd-digital-portable-phdo-meter-19131The Hanna Instruments HI 98280 Series of Multiparameter Water Quality Portable Meter with GPS receiver monitors up to 13 different water quality parameters ( 6 measured, 7 calculated) . Measurements include pH, pH/ mV, ORP, % saturation DO, mg/ L DO, EC, absolute EC, resistivity, TDS, salinity, seawater specific gravity, atmospheric pressure and temperature. + Measurements from specific locations are tracked with detailed coordinate information that can be viewed immediately on the display. GPS information can be transferred to a PC using Hanna’ s HI 929828 software. GPS information can also be viewed by GPS mapping software such as Google maps. Clicking on visited locations using mapping software such as Google Maps displays measurement information. The Hanna Instruments HI 98280 Series’ built-in 12 channel GPS receiver and antenna guarantees a position accuracy of 30 ft ( 10 m) . + For measuring points within a 30 ft range or where GPS signals are not available, the Hanna Instruments HI 98280 Series’ s Fast Tracker is invaluable for associating measurements with their locations. Hanna’ s exclusive Fast Tracker-Tag I.D. System monitors and records data using iButtons that can be installed at any number of sampling sites. + The Hanna Instruments HI98280 has a graphic, backlit LCD that automatically sizes the digits to fit the screen and allows full configuration of each parameter measured along with on-screen graphing capability. The meter incorporates comprehensive GLP features and the downloading of data via USB connection. Each parameter is supported by on-screen context sensitive help, both in the calibration mode and during measurement. Designed for outdoor environments, the meter is impact resistant and waterproof meeting IP67 standards ( 30 minutes immersion under 1 m of water) . The multi-sensor probe can be left underwater in accordance with IP68 standards.


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JUAL HANNA HI 98290-01

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HANNA HI 96714

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Nama BarangHANNA HI 96714
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HANNA HI 96713

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HANNA HI 96711

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HANNA HI 96710

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HANNA HI 96709

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Nama BarangHANNA HI 96709
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