Kategori | KERN |
Di lihat | 1768 kali |
Harga | Rp (hubungi cs) |
Analytical BalanceKERN model AES 220-4 merupakan timbangan digital high end dengan tingkat akurasi tinggi. Model ini merupakan bagian dari seri AES-AEJ yang merupakan timbangan analitik.
Compact Analytical Balance with external calibration, see AEJ for Internal Self Adjusting Version, Ergonomically optimsed keypad for right handed or left hand users.
Housing has anti-static plastic draught sheild with three sliding doors allowing easy access by the user for placing items to be weighed.
Using a ` Tuning Fork` principle in this Analytical Balance allows for short stabilisation time, giving steady weight values within approximately 4 seconds under laboratory conditions.
Using the RS-232 Output, this balance is GLP compliant, printing weight values with date and time and records serial number for complete traceability.
Overall dimensions: W x D x H – 213 x 290 x 314mm
Weighing Space: W x D x H – 178 x 170 x 209mm
AES 220-4, Readout 0.1 mg, Weighing Range 220 g, EXT Calibration, Count Yes