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Kategori Microscop
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081294124885 / 085104387311
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3992331_nikone100eclipsemicroscopeDesigned for years of high quality use, the Eclipse E100-LED is an upright microscope with outstanding optical performance combined with elegant ergonomic touches. The E100-LED incorporates Nikon’ s exclusive CFI infinity optical system and an high-intensity LED eco-illumination system that is IR-free, virtually eliminating eyestrain for users. In addition, advanced Nikon BE Plan Achromat objectives have been designed especially for the E100 with excellent optical corrections and very flat optical performance. This means clear, bright images at every magnification.


Pair of 10x Eyepieces with 18mm field of view.
Seidentopf Binocular Viewing Tube.
Quadruple Nosepiece which holds up to 4 Objectives.
Right handed graduated Rectangular Mechanical Stage.
1.25 Abbe condenser.
4x Plan BE Achromat Objective.
10x Plan BE Achormat Objective.
40x Plan BE Achromat Objective
100x Plan BE Achromat Oil Objective
LED Eco-Illumination System with fly eye technology.
Dust Cover
Instruction manual.
8cc Immersion Oil.

BestScope BUC5-130M,agen indonesia

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Nama BarangBestScope BUC5-130M,agen indonesia
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BestScope BUC5-130C,agen indonesia

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Nama BarangBestScope BUC5-130C,agen indonesia
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BestScope BUC4B-140M(285),agen indo

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Nama BarangBestScope BUC4B-140M(285),agen indonesia
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JUAL BestScope BUC4B-140(285) High

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Nama BarangJUAL BestScope BUC4B-140(285) High Sensitive USB2.0 Digital Microscope CCD Camera
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Nikon Smz445 Microscope

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Nama BarangNikon Smz445 Microscope
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Nikon Smz 660 Stereo Zoom Microscop

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Nama BarangNikon Smz 660 Stereo Zoom Microscope, Plain Stand With Ring Illuminator
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Boeco Routine Binocular Microscope

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Nama BarangBoeco Routine Binocular Microscope Model Bm-120
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Nikon Stereo Microscope MSZ445

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Nama BarangNikon Stereo Microscope MSZ445
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