Kategori | Conductivity Meter |
Di lihat | 1756 kali |
Harga | Rp (hubungi cs) |
Top-of-the-line dual parameter meters offer features typically found on much more expensive models! Simultaneously measure your choice of pH, mV, or ISE and conductivity. Datalogging of up to 500 data points with GLP compliance Wireless IrDA communication for truly waterproof interfacing capabilities
Conductivity: 0 to 500.0 mS, ± 1% FS ( resolution 0.05% FS)
TDS: 0 to 500 ppt, ± 1% FS ( resolution 0.05% FS)
Salinity: 0 to 80 ppt
Resistivity: 0 to 20.00 M©
Dissolved Oxygen: 0 to 600% or 49.49 mg/ L
Temperature: -10 to 110° C, ± 0.5° C ( resolution 0.1° C)
14 to 230° F, ± 0.9° F ( resolution 0.1° F)
Great for salt water testing.