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Rion Environmental Sound Monitor NA-37

Rion Environmental Sound Monitor NA-37
Kategori RION
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081294124885 / 085104387311
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Environmental Sound Monitor NA-37

(NX-37A For Environmental Measurement)

The NA-37 is capable of determining the sound source position based on sound arrival direction. Compact dimensions make the unit suitable also for use in mobile monitoring systems. Measurement is fully automatic, and continuous 365-day all-weather operation is supported.

Environmental Sound Monitor NA-37

(NX-37B/C For Aircraft Noise Measurement)

The NA-37 is an automated aircraft noise-monitoring system. The unit has a feature for reliable identification of aircraft noise, while its compact dimensions make it suitable also for mobile use. Measurement is fully automatic, and continuous 365-day all-weather operation is supported.

Nama      :A.wiharta
Phone      :081294124885
Watsapp  :081294124885Agen Murah, Distributor Indonesia, BERBAGAI Merek alat alat Laboratorium Dan instrument sbb: RION, BestScope, Hioki, Extech, Davis, Weather Station, Fluke ,, Boeco, Constant, Hach, Brookfield, Irtek, GE Druck, Kett, Kyoritsu, Kern, Lutron, megger, Nytech, Ohaus, Schoot Instrumen, Hanna Instrument, Atago, AMPROBE, Ebro, Dwyer, Memmert, Eutech, Ika, Kanomak,Jasa Refair Sbb  :
Alat kesehatan,alat industri,Alat laboratorium,alat ukur,RION, BestScope, Hioki, Extech, Davis, Weather Station, Fluke ,, Boeco, Constant, Hach, Brookfield, Irtek, GE Druck, Kett, Kyoritsu, Kern, Lutron, megger, Nytech, Ohaus, Schoot Instrumen, Hanna Instrument, Atago, AMPROBE, Ebro, Dwyer, Memmert, Eutech, Ika, Kanomak,

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