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SCHOTT PRIM Light / PRIM Advanced

SCHOTT PRIM Light / PRIM Advanced
Di lihat 1322 kali
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081294124885 / 085104387311
08 sampai 17.00

4882121_prim_light_prim_advancedInternal Applications

All applications, basic or standard, are included as standard and are immediately available on each spectrophotometer it all started with a patent on pH electrodes – today it is a range of several hundred different sensors. Our elec-trode programme comprising the three product families BlueLine, ScienceLine and IoLine is as manifold as your applications. Whether for ultrapure water, jam, wine, creme or drinking water, SI analytics offers the right electrode for every conceivable use.

50 User Methods

All PRIM spectrophotometers can store up to 50 methods in memory. Stored applications can be recalled at any time without re-programming the method parameters. Prior to running a method, it is possible to check the stored parameters using only one button from the navigator keys.

Real-time Display

The display of absorbance and transmission is processed in real-time with any measurement mode.

1 Key = 1 Function

The keyboard is clearly arranged with each button corresponding to one Specific single function. Operation is therefore simpler and faster.

Safety-Low Voltage Power Supply

Mandatory for the area of education and safeness of trainess and of course also applicable for any laboratory.


Light at only 2.5 kg anc compact A4 size footprint, PRIM can be handled very easily.

Internal Calibration Filter

In order to certify accurate and repetable results, the spectrophotometer calibrates itself automatically at each start-up using the internal didymium filter; a complete report is automatically printed on the external printer if connected.

SCHOTT Oxygen meter handylab OX 12

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Nama BarangSCHOTT Oxygen meter handylab OX 12
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SCHOTT LAB 850/ LAB860/ LAB870

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Nama BarangSCHOTT LAB 850/ LAB860/ LAB870
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SCHOTT Handylab pH 11 / Handylab pH

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Nama BarangSCHOTT Handylab pH 11 / Handylab pH 12
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SCHOTT Oxygen meter handylab OX 12

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Nama BarangSCHOTT Oxygen meter handylab OX 12
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SCHOTT proLab 2000

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Nama BarangSCHOTT proLab 2000
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SCHOTT proLab 3000

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Nama BarangSCHOTT proLab 3000
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SCHOTT proLab 4000

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Nama BarangSCHOTT proLab 4000
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