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SCHOTT TitroLine KF & KF trace

SCHOTT TitroLine KF & KF trace
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081294124885 / 085104387311
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4882143_titroline-_kf_kf_traceQuite some experienced analyst will be unpleasantly reminded by the pyridine smell, when hearing the name Karl Fischer. However, modern reagents and most user friendly analysing instruments have de nitely cleared that picture. Nowadays all applications can be handled and processed very easily, fast and accurate by using the coulometric and volumetric Karl Fischer titration instruments. Thanks to its selectivity and precision, the Karl Fisher titration has achieved to be established as the most important method for determining water and humidity.

In the following, we would like to ease your decision for either the coulometric ( TitroLine KF trace) or the volumetric ( TitroLine KF) KF titrator a little.

The basic principle of the water determination according to Karl Fischer ( short: KF) is a reaction of iodine with water in an alcoholic solution with presence of sulfurous acid and a base.

With the volumetric method the iodine can be accurately added through a piston burette or coulometric directly produced in the reaction vessel. The difference between the volumetry and coulometry mainly exists in the manner of dosing the iodine for the titration.

SCHOTT Oxygen meter handylab OX 12

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Nama BarangSCHOTT Oxygen meter handylab OX 12
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SCHOTT LAB 850/ LAB860/ LAB870

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Nama BarangSCHOTT LAB 850/ LAB860/ LAB870
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SCHOTT Handylab pH 11 / Handylab pH

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Nama BarangSCHOTT Handylab pH 11 / Handylab pH 12
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SCHOTT Oxygen meter handylab OX 12

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Nama BarangSCHOTT Oxygen meter handylab OX 12
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SCHOTT proLab 2000

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Nama BarangSCHOTT proLab 2000
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SCHOTT proLab 3000

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SCHOTT proLab 4000

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