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SCHOTT Titronic Basic

SCHOTT Titronic Basic
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081294124885 / 085104387311
08 sampai 17.00

4882147_titronic-universalThe TITRONIC® universal is a perfect motor-driven burette for manual titration and an extremely precise dosing instrument for dosable liquids, solvents and titrating agents. However, the TITRONIC® universal not only  rst-rate as a stand-alone instrument – it also thrives as the heart of a computer controlled dosing or titrating system.

Adjusting easily, dosing precisely

With the TITRONIC® universal you can preselect any dosing volume from 0.01 ml to 999.99 ml easily with the keypad and you can adjust the dosing speed to a continuously controllable setting. Furthermore, with the TITRONIC® universal you can de ne the waiting time between the volume steps, a useful tool for incremental dosing tasks.The dosing process is carried out precisely upon being called. This, by the way, is also extremely practical in the case of manual titration with the handheld device: Using a precisely adjusting pre-titrating volume, which can be called up at the press of a button before each titration, you can reduce your titration times considerably.

SCHOTT Oxygen meter handylab OX 12

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Nama BarangSCHOTT Oxygen meter handylab OX 12
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SCHOTT LAB 850/ LAB860/ LAB870

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Nama BarangSCHOTT LAB 850/ LAB860/ LAB870
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SCHOTT Handylab pH 11 / Handylab pH

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Nama BarangSCHOTT Handylab pH 11 / Handylab pH 12
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SCHOTT Oxygen meter handylab OX 12

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Nama BarangSCHOTT Oxygen meter handylab OX 12
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SCHOTT proLab 2000

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Nama BarangSCHOTT proLab 2000
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SCHOTT proLab 3000

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Nama BarangSCHOTT proLab 3000
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SCHOTT proLab 4000

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Nama BarangSCHOTT proLab 4000
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Nama BarangSCHOTT PROLAB 1000
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